Determination of metal concentration in industrial wastewater

Nhanh chóng xác định nồng độ các kim loại trong nước thải công nghiệp Kim...

Using HH XRF in consumer goods inspection and RoHS

Máy phân tích huỳnh quang tia X (XRF) cầm tay sử dụng cho cho RoHS...

Statistical table of XRF . applications

Application Handheld XRF Alloy QA/QC Alloys and Metals Handheld XRF Analyzer Petrochemical & Power Alloys...

X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis applications

The BTX II is a small, low cost benchtop combined XRD-XRF system. It is easy...

Applications of portable X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyzers

Portable XRD/XRF has completely revolutionized geochemical exploration, mine grade control, metallurgical and process analysis, on-site...

Consumer Product and RoHS Testing Using Handheld XRF Devices

Thiết bị kiểm tra XRF phục vụ cho kiểm tra tiêu chuẩn an toàn người...