We are committed to being a reliable supplier of destructive and non-destructive testing products in Vietnam, providing customers with effective, quality-assured solutions from leading manufacturers in the world such as: Carestream, Defelsko, GeoTech, Innospection, iX Cameras, Jireh, Kyoung Do, LGC Standard, Olympus, Rigaku…
Magnetic beads (MT, MPI)
Magnetic beads (MT, MPI)
Eddy Current (ECT)
Phased array eddy current test kit for tubes and flat plates
Eddy Current (ECT)
Eddy Current (ECT)
HVAC and Heat Exchanger Tubing Test Kit for use with NORTEC 600
Corrosion test
Corrosion test
Bộ mã hóa vị trí sử dụng trong kiểm tra siêu âm Wire Encoder
Corrosion test
Eddy Current (ECT)
Corrosion test
Eddy Current (ECT)
Corrosion test