Giới thiệu
Bộ quét kiểm tra siêu âm với dây xích ChainSCANNER™ giúp kiểm tra các đường ống có đường kính ngoài (OD) từ 76 mm đến 965 mm (3 đến 38 in.). Được giữ bằng các mắt xích thay vì bánh xe từ tính, bộ quét này rất phù hợp để kiểm tra mối hàn hoặc lập bản đồ ăn mòn trên nhiều vật liệu khác nhau sừ dụng siêu âm (UT), nhiễu xạ thời gian bay (TOFD) và siêu âm mảng pha (PA).
Bộ quét cung cấp khả năng mã hóa hai trục và có thể kiểm tra các bề mặt sắt từ hoặc phi từ tính. Các mắt xích liên kết giúp đảm bảo bộ quét dịch chuyển thẳng. Thiết bị cũng hữu ích khi sử dụng trong các khu vực xung quanh đường ống khó tiếp cận, vì bộ quét có thể xoay quanh đường ống bằng liên kết dây xích.
Các ứng dụng bao gồm:
- Kiểm tra mối hàn chu vi ống với siêu âm mảng pha, TOFD hoặc UT thông thường
- Lập bản đồ ăn mòn của các khu vực nhỏ với siêu âm mảng pha hoặc UT thông thường
Các tính năng chính
- Cấu hình tiêu chuẩn sử dụng một hoặc hai đầu dò và cấu hình tùy chọn sử dụng bốn đầu dò để kiểm tra TOFD, siêu âm mảng pha hoặc siêu âm xung-vọng.
- Kiểm tra các đường ống có đường kính ngoài từ 76 mm đến 965 mm (3 in. đến 38 in.)
- Bộ mã hóa 2 trục quét và trục chỉ số (Bộ mã hóa trục chỉ số không có sẵn trên phiên bản Light)
- Tay cầm tiện dụng giúp quản lý cáp
- Các mắt xích gắn dễ dàng trên bánh xe chịu lực được phủ urethane để lăn trơn tru
- Thiết bị kẹp dễ dàng để định vị máy quét nhanh chóng
- Giá đỡ đầu dò lò xo giúp đảm bảo đầu dò tiếp xúc tốt ở bất kỳ vị trí hoặc hướng nào của máy quét
- Hệ thống trượt giá đỡ đầu dò cho phép định vị dễ dàng và chính xác giá đỡ đầu dò theo bộ phận đang được kiểm tra
- Hầu hết các điều chỉnh có thể được thực hiện mà không cần sử dụng dụng cụ
- Hệ thống ống khóa kéo bảo vệ cáp cho phép cấu hình lại cáp nhanh chóng
Gói tiêu chuẩn
- Mô-đun chính với bộ mã hóa trục quét
- Mắt xích cho ống có đường kính ngoài 965 mm (38 in.) với khóa điều chỉnh tháo lắp nhanh
- Cáp mã hóa 5 mét (16 ft) cho máy siêu âm dòng OmniScan™
- Thanh giữ đầu dò 450 mm (17,7 in.)
- Hai giá đỡ đầu dò lò xo TOFD-P/E có thể điều chỉnh và tay đỡ đầu dò mảng pha
- Hệ thống trượt giá đỡ đầu dò có vít dẫn điều chỉnh
- Hệ thống ống khóa kéo dài 5 mét (16 ft) để quản lý và bảo vệ cáp
- Ống và phụ kiện dẫn nước
- Vali vận chuyển
Lưu ý: Đầu dò và nêm không đi kèm với máy quét.
Phụ kiện tùy chọn
Extra part package needed to perform inspections with four probes on the CHAIN scanner.
Extra part package needed in order to use the CHAIN scanner as a mouse scanner with magnetic-wheel holding system instead of chain links.
20 cm probe-holder bar and lead screw kit for confined space applications.
Thông số kỹ thuật
Length in scan axis (mm) |
Width (mm) |
Height (mm) |
Weight (kg) |
114 | 75 | 84 | 1 |
Note: specifications above apply to the main module
Encoder resolution:
Circumferential (X) axis: 19.2 steps/mm
Longitudinal (Y) axis: 56.7 steps/mm
Thông tin đặt hàng
Lựa chọn bộ quét
Q7500213 | CHAINSCAN2-XY38 | Second Generation of manual Chain scanner for encoded X-axis and Y-axis inspection of pipe with outside diameters ranging from 1.75 inches to 38 inches. Includes two spring-loaded arms, two yokes for TOFD/PE UT probes, two yokes for Phased Array probes, 5 m encoder cable with Lemo connector compatible with current generation of OmniScan and Focus instruments, 5m zipper tube cable protection, 450mm frame bar with sliding modules, irrigation tubes and fittings. Probes and wedges are not included. |
Q7500217 | CHAINSCAN2-X38-LIG | Second Generation of light version manual Chain scanner for encoded X-axis only inspection of welds on pipes with outside diameters ranging from 1.75 inches to 38 inches (not suitable for corrosion inspection). Includes two spring-loaded arms, two yokes for TOFD/PE UT probes, two yokes for Phased Array probes, 5 m encoder cable with Lemo connector compatible with current generation of OmniScan and Focus instruments, 5m zipper tupe cable protection, 450mm frame bar, irrigation tubes and fittings. Probe holder sliding modules, probes and wedges are not included. |
Phụ kiện tùy chọn
Part number | Mã sản phẩm | Mô tả |
CHAINSCAN-A-NOZZLE | Q7750190 | Add-on kit compatible with ChainSCANNER for Nozzle inspection. The kit includes a 20cm frame bar to mount on ChainScanner, a 35cm frame bar with ruler to mount the probe holder, a pivot linking the two frame bar, a vertical long stroke probe holder with 8mm diameter pivot buttons plus a sliding system for fine adjustment of the probe holder position on the frame bar. Note: This kit is not functional by itself and must be used with a ChainSCANNER (to be purchased separately). |
CHAINSCAN-A-NOZZLE | Q7750189 | Add-on kit compatible with ChainSCANNER for Nozzle inspection. The kit includes a 20cm frame bar to mount on ChainScanner, a 35cm frame bar with ruler to mount the probe holder, a pivot linking the two frame bar, a vertical long stroke probe holder with 8mm diameter pivot buttons. Note: This kit is not functional by itself and must be used with a ChainSCANNER (to be purchased separately). |
CHAINSCAN-A-PWHEEL | U8775189 | Plastic wheel for CHAIN Scanner and HydroFORM |
CHAINSCAN2-X38-LIG | Q7500217 | Second Generation of light version manual Chain scanner for encoded X-axis only inspection of welds on pipes with outside diameters ranging from 1.75 inches to 38 inches (not suitable for corrosion inspection). Includes two spring-loaded arms, two yokes for TOFD/PE UT probes, two yokes for Phased Array probes, 5 m encoder cable with Lemo connector compatible with current generation of OmniScan and Focus instruments, 5m zipper tupe cable protection, 450mm frame bar, irrigation tubes and fittings. Probe holder sliding modules, probes and wedges are not included. |
CHAINSCAN2-XY38 | Q7500213 | Second Generation of manual Chain scanner for encoded X-axis and Y-axis inspection of pipe with outside diameters ranging from 1.75 inches to 38 inches. Includes two spring-loaded arms, two yokes for TOFD/PE UT probes, two yokes for Phased Array probes, 5 m encoder cable with Lemo connector compatible with current generation of OmniScan and Focus instruments, 5m zipper tube cable protection, 450mm frame bar with sliding modules, irrigation tubes and fittings. Probes and wedges are not included. |
CHAINSCAN-A-STABIL | Q7500181 | Adjustable Chain scanner/HST-Lite arm stabilizer kit. Includes a magnetic wheel as well as sliding adjustable height mounting system. |
CHAINSCAN-CUSTOM01 | Q7500179 | Reduced width custom ChainScanner compatible with pipes of up to 24in outside diameter. Features a frame arch allowing the probe to fit in the middle of the scanner in line with the chain links wheels. Includes 1 probes holder for PA probe, a 10cm frame bar and a 25cm frame bar. Cable length is 5m compatible with current generation of OmniScan and Focus instruments. |
CHAINSCAN-NARROW-X | Q7500129 | Custom reduced width weld chain scanner operating in 10cm wide space with one probe or 25cm with 4 probes. Includes: 2 probe holdes for phased array probe, chain links to cover pipe diameters from 4in OD up to 12in OD, one encoder for scan axis with cable compatible with current generation of OmniScan and Focus instruments. Packaged in a carrying case. |
CHAINSCAN-A-PH-PA-WIDE | Q7750191 | One slip joint PA probe holder compatible with CHAIN scanner. Can accommodate up to 55mm wide wedge. Fork arms are 65mm long (Dopped) and have 8mm diameter buttons. Can be used on left or right sided orientations. |
CHAINSCAN-A-PH-UT-LEFT | U8775294 | One UT probe holder compatible with CHAIN scanner (left sided). Can accommodate up to 45mm wide wedge. Fork arms are 37mm long and have 5mm diameter buttons. |
CHAINSCAN-A-ARM-SUT | U8775264 | Slim, 27.9mm long arm sets for CHAIN Scanner with 5mm buttons for UT probe. IMPORTANT NOTE: Will fit on newer slim rear member with 8.7x6.5mm cross section. |
CHAINSCAN-A-ARM-LUT | U8775263 | Large, 27.9mm long arm sets for CHAIN Scanner with 5mm buttons for UT probe. IMPORTANT NOTE: Will fit on original thinker rear member with 17.8x10.6mm cross section. |
CHAINSCAN-A-ARM-SPA | U8775262 | Slim, 63.5mm long arm sets for CHAIN Scanner with 8mm buttons for PA probe. IMPORTANT NOTE: Will fit on the newer slim rear member with 8.7x6.5mm cross section. |
CHAINSCAN-A-ARM-LPA | U8775261 | Large, 63.5mm long arm sets for CHAIN Scanner with 8mm buttons for PA probe. IMPORTANT NOTE: Will fit on original thinker rear member with 17.8x10.6mm cross section. |
CHAINSCAN-A-HANDLE | U8775259 | Handle for CHAIN Scanner. To be mounted on dovetail links or frame bar. |
CHAINSCAN-A-STABILIZER | U8775210 | Chain scanner arm stabilizer kit. Includes a magnetic wheel block and the holder to mount on the scanner arm. |
CHAINSCAN-A-MAINKNOB | U8775206 | Main big red knob for Y axis indexation on CHAIN scanners. Features mounting holes for crank handle instalation. |
CHAINSCAN-A-CRANK | U8775205 | Crank handle for Y axis indexation on CHAIN scanners. NOTE: Will only fit if the main red knob of the CHAIN Scanner has the mounting holes. If not, a CHAINscan-A-MainKnob must also be ordered. |
CHAINSCAN-A-TRANSVERS | U8775190 | Bracket to pivot a CHAIN Scanner yoke from 0 to 90 deg. |
CHAINSCAN-A-KNOB | U8775167 | Removable thumb screw for Chain Scanner |
CHAINSCAN-A-TOOL | U8775130 | Chain Scanner universal tool |
CHAINSCAN-A-SBAR | U8775129 | 20cm long probe holder bar and screw kit for Chain Scanner |
CHAINSCAN-A-4PROBE | U8775128 | Extra part package to allow inspection using 4 probes on the CHAIN Scanner. Includes: one 450mm extra frame, two pivots to link the extra frame bar to the CHAIN Scanner frame bar, 2 TOFD yokes, and a preamplifier mounting bracket. |
CHAINSCAN-A-SLINK | U8775127 | Chain Scanner short link. Required on pipe OD less than 9.6 in. |
CHAINSCAN-A-PIVOT | Q7750116 | Pivot to connect two ChainSCANNER frame bars end-to-end |
CHAINSCAN-A-ARM-SSD5mm | Q7500029 | Slim short dropped arm sets for ChainSCANNER with 5mm buttons. |
CHAINSCAN-A-ARM-SLD8mm | Q7500028 | Slim long dropped arm sets for ChainSCANNER with 8mm buttons. |
CHAINSCAN-A-ARM-SMD8mm | Q7500027 | Slim standard dropped arm sets for ChainSCANNER with 8mm buttons. |
CHAINSCAN-A-WHEELB | Q7500008 | ChainScanner wheel block assembly. Includes montign blcok with shaft and one magnetic wheel. |
CHAINSCAN-A-LGLINK | U8750042 | Chain Scanner long link. Required on pipe OD greater than 9.6 in. |
CHAINSCAN-A-MOUSE | U8750037 | Extra part package to allow using the Chain Scanner as a mouse scanner with magnetic wheels holding system instead of chain links. Includes: Front attachement part, brake handle, 4 magnetic wheels |
CHAINSCAN-A-MWHEEL | U8779383 | Magnetic wheel for CHAIN Scanner and HydroFORM. Quantity: 1 magnetic wheel. |
CHAINSCAN-SP-BASIC | U8779370 | Basic spare part kit for the CHAIN scanner including: Lead screw and leaver for buckle , Wedge pivot buttons, Dovetail nuts, Specific tool, Plastic wheel, different types of wing screws and screws. |
HydroFORM-A-StrongYoke | U8775328 | Spring loaded probe holder to mount the HydroFORM scanner to a motorised scanner. IMPORTANT NOTE: Can also be used with CHAIN Scanner but the stronger force can lead to frame bar lifting and premature wear of the sliders. Use of the optional stabiliser wheel package can be used to limit the bar from (U8775210 - CHAINSCAN-A-STABILIZER) |
CHAIN-A-ARM-LD8MM | U8775200 | Large dropped arm sets for CHAIN Scanner with 8mm buttons. |
CHAIN-A-BUTTON-5MM | U8775199 | 5mm diameter button for CHAIN Scanner arm. |
CHAIN-A-BUTTON-8MM | U8775198 | 8mm diameter button for CHAIN Scanner arm. |
CHAIN-A-BAR-10CM | U8775197 | 10cm long probe holder bar for CHAIN Scanner. |
CHAIN-A-SWNOSE | U8775196 | Swivel nose to be installed on the front of a CHAIN Scanner. Suited to hold one probe holder bar and allow rotation allong the long axis of the bar. |
CHAIN-A-YCABLE1M | U8775178 | Extension cable for CHAIN scanner Y encoder. 1m long. |
CHAIN-A-CABLE | U8775162 | CHAIN Scanner encoder cable with plastic cover handle. Cable is 5m long with a Lemo conector compatible with current generation of OmniScan and Focus instruments. |
25AA1702 | U8775161 | CHAIN Scanner 550mm long frame bar |
25AA1624 | U8775146 | Chain Scanner 38cm lead screw to be used on the XY option with the longitudinal Y encoder |
25AA1623 | U8775145 | Chain Scanner encoder for longitudinal Y axis |
10-039389-00 | Q7750244 | Accessory kit to mount the HydroFORM2 to the ChainScanner. Includes pivoting probe holder and crank handle for indexing. |
10-036025-00 | Q7750241 | Forks to attach the HydroFORM2 to ChainSCANNER and MapROVER/SteerROVER probe holders |
HYDROFORM2-K-ADPCH | Q7500195 | 7.5m HydroFORM2 corrosion mapping scanner kit for Automated inspection with the ChainSCANNER including water box system, one phased array probe (7.5L64-64X3-I8-P-7.5-OM), standard carriage with magnetic wheels, two delay lines for inspection up to 150mm in carbon steel, Fork arms and pivoting probe holder to mount on ChainSCANNER, indexing crank handle, irrigation parts, and 30 foam gaskets. Do not include ScanDeck and encoder cable. |
MAPSCANNER-ADPCHAI | Q7500004 | MapSCANNER upgrade hand scanner kit WITHOUT links for encoded X-axis and Y-axis inspection of pipe with outside diameters from 4 inches to 38 inches. TO BE USED WITH CHAINSCANNER LINKS AND HYDROFORM ENCODER CABLE THAT CUSTOMER ALREADY OWN. Includes one spring-loaded arms, one cart compatible with HydroFORM-K-SAUT water box, and frame bar for 580mm stroke. Chain Links, encoder cable and cable protection sleeve system not inlcuded. |
Hydroform2-A-adapt | Q7750254 | Cable adaptor to connect the Hydroform2 encoder cable to a ChainScanner. |
MICROBE2-2PROBES | Q7500216 | Second generation Manual scanner with magnetic wheels using ChainSCANNER2 buggy with 2 probe holders at the front and 2 probe holders at the back for a total of 4 probes (2xPA, 2xTOFD). Encoder cable is 2.5m compatible with current generation of OmniScan and Focus instruments. |
25AA2906 | Q7780012 | Manual scanner with magnetic wheels using ChainSCANNER's buggy with 2 probe holders at the front and 2 probe holders at the back for a total of 4 probes (2xPA, 2xTOFD). Encoder cable is 2.5m compatible with current generation of OmniScan and Focus instruments. |